Regarding Shaykh al-Munajji d’s strange fatwa on voting
By Samir Bin Zafar Khan
Before we mention his strange fatwa on the issue of voting, it is important to note that this Shaykh has many beneficial fataawa and works on his IslamQ&A website. However, that doesn't change the fact that his 'Aqeedah/Manhaj has elements of misguidance.The Questioner asked:
Some Moslems in a non Islamic country are asking if it is OK to participate in the elections there and vote for non Moslem groups or parties. They claim that it would serve the Moslem community there if a certain group won the elections?The Shaykh replied with (pay attention to what is in bold) -
Praise be to Allaah.Here are some points to ponder over (thanks to br. tarbiya):
This is a matter concerning which rulings may differ according to different circumstances in different times and places. There is no absolute ruling that covers all situations, both real and hypothetical.
In some cases it is wrong to vote, such as when the matter will have no effect on the Muslims, or when the Muslims have no effect on the outcome of the vote. In this case voting or not voting is all the same. The same applies in cases where all the candidates are equally evil or where they all have the same attitude towards Muslims…
It may be the case that the interests of Islam require Muslims to vote so as to ward off the greater evil and to reduce harmful effects, such as where two candidates may be non-Muslims but one of them is less hostile towards Muslims than the other, and Muslims’ votes will have an impact on the outcome of the election. In such cases there is nothing wrong with Muslims casting their votes in favour of the less evil candidate.
In any case, this is the matter of ijtihaad based on the principle of weighing up the pros and cons, what is in the interests of Islam and what is detrimental. With regard to this matter, we have to refer to the people of knowledge who understand this principle.
We should put the question to them, explaining in detail the circumstances and laws in the country where the Muslim community is living, the state of the candidates, the importance of the vote, the likely benefits, and so on.
No one should imagine that anyone who says that it is OK to vote is thereby expressing approval or support for kufr. It is done in the interests of the Muslims, not out of love for kufr and its people. The Muslims rejoiced when the Romans defeated the Persians, as did the Muslims in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) when the Negus defeated those who had challenged his authority. This is well known from history. Whoever wants to be on the safe side and abstain from voting is allowed to do so. This response applies only to elections for influential positions. And Allaah knows best.
1. How can a person who believes that there is no other legislator except Allah, elect a Mushrik that will make something haraam into halaal (and vice versa)? It is only Allah Ta'aala who decrees what is Halaal and what is Haraam, and anyone who attempts to attribute himself to such qualities has committed Shirk. Therefore, how can a Muwaahid elect a Mushrik to commit Shirk on his behalf?
For those who are unaware of this ruling, they can simply study the tafseer of the aayah,
They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allâh (by obeying them In things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires without being ordered by Allâh), and (They also took as their Lord) Messiah, son of Maryam (Mary), while they (Jews and Christians) were commanded [in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)) to Worship none but one Ilâh (God - Allâh) Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the Right to be worshipped but He). Praise and Glory be to him, (Far above is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)." (9:31)
2. After understanding the above point (which is our major argument), how can then Shirk have a "Maslahah Mursalah" when Shirk nullifies the Shahaadah? Has Shirk come down to the level of Makrooh?
The followers of Ahlus Sunnah believe that it is not permissible whatsoever (except under Ikraah with a heart of Imaan) to commit Shirk in order to avert a "perceived" evil.
By the way, for those who say voting is not Shirk, they have the great burden of proving such a claim since we have proven - nay, the Qur'aan has proven - that making Halaal into Haraam and vice versa is Shirk. If one cannot climb out of such a hole, then they must simply repent as Allah is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful and safeguard their Tawheed.
3. Furthermore, the correct ruling in such situations is for the Muslims to:
a. Make hijrah to a Muslim land if they are able.
b. If they are unable to do that, then they must have tawakkal in Allah and rely upon Him for protection from the evils of whichever Mushrik is elected, and make serious preparations for hijrah.
c. If no Hijrah is available to them, they can move to a less harmful kaafir land, such as the Sahaabah did when they left Makkah to go to Abysinnia.
d. If none of the above, then as Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi mentioned in Millat Ibraaheem, the Muwaahid should prepare himself by keeping away from unnecessary interactions with the society and should turn his house into a place of worship (not literally). When one cuts himself off from society, his home easily protects him from the evils of the Kuffaar, Munaafiqeen, and Faasiqeen, bi idhnillaah. At the same time, he should be preparing himself for Hijrah to any of the aforementioned places.
It is these types of fataawa that steer the Muslims into the dangerous path and deceptions of Shirk which are labeled with "voting" and "elections" and "contributing to society" and "being a part of society" and so on. Unfortunately, the Muslims who hardly practice the religion don't take anything from Shaykh Al-Munajjid except fataawa like these which only suit their whims and desires. We have seen this repeatedly with Muslims all throughout the United States and we seek Allah's protection from such wicked people.
Wallahu 'Alam.
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