Monday, August 22, 2011

Be aware of Man-Made Law / Sovereignty of People (Part II)

Be aware of Man-Made Law / Sovereignty People (Part II)
(Collected from Allah's Governance on Earth)

Assalamu alaikum,

Dear brethren in Islam,

All praise belongs to Allah (Almighty), we praise Him and seek His help; we ask for His forgiveness and seek His refuge against the evil of our own souls and of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides, none can misguide him, whereas whomsoever Allah leads astray can never find any guide. We bear witness that there is no god except Allah (Almighty), the One and the Only God, Who has no partners, and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. The best words are Allah’s and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). The worst evil is innovation in religion; every innovation is an error, and every error will end up in the Hell-fire.
Here I will discuss an example of sharia rule Vs. man made rule and their effects on a society.

ADULTERY AND PROMISCUITY (Comparison of consequences)

What is the Shari`a rule for the adulterer? The one that commits adultery (when the person that is married has sex with a person that is other than their spouse) is to be stoned to death under the Divine Law code. Now what does this accomplish for the society? We have outlined some points for the seeker of knowledge in this regard,
  1. The honor of the one who was victimized is vindicated.
  2. Free advertising, which will give the public a chance to observe what the penalty is for such evil acts.
  3. The amount of children born out of wedlock will naturally decrease, as the penalty for adultery is known.
  4. The number of sexually transmitted diseases will eventually come to an end, as the mechanism by which they spread is destroyed.

    In modern Western societies, adultery is not even dealt with as a crime. Rather, it is seen as something that is a distinctly private matter. Unfortunately, in recent years, with the rise of street children from adulterous marriages piling up, we can see that it cannot be passed off as private. These children are the people that the world including the selfish people involved who committed the treasonous act of adultery, forgot about. They are mostly abandoned, to wander life not knowing who they are. They never had anyone close to them, so naturally they are anti-social. They are not able to form associations of right and wrong, because they themselves have been the products of a wrong. Another thing is that they could cohabit or marry their own brothers and sisters due to the fact that no one knows who their relatives are.

    This leads to birth defects and disabled children, along with new diseases previously unknown. Above all, the right of Al `Aziz (the All Mighty) is the first thing to be preserved. Allah has said that unlawful sex is a catalyst for diseases unknown before. Before, we only knew of VD, but now there is AIDS. There have been new diseases that have also sprung up. Our Lord has said that whenever people increase in infidelity, He sends new diseases. This is the truth without doubt. This is no laughing matter. We cannot afford to challenge our Lord after He has told us the punishment for unlawful sexual intercourse. It was asked by Zainab bint Jahhash (radiallahu) regarding the tribulations at the end of time.
     قالت زينب: أنهلك وفينا الصالحون؟ قال صلى الله عليه و سلك   نعم إذا كثر الخبث
     “Will we be destroyed even though there are righteous people among us.” The Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Yes, when Al-KHABATH (the filthy acts of unlawful sexual relations and all other sexual perversions) spreads.” -Narrated from Sahih alBukhaari

    Likewise, in the time of the Prophet Lut (alaihi wa sallam), the people involved in homosexuality were showered with stones from the sky. The punishment being showered upon these people today is AIDS. Each person is hit with his own stone, which today is the AIDS virus, thus although the methodology changes, the punishment that Allah metes out does not. Allah knows what methods there will be in the future, but they will no doubt match in severity with each new evil.

    Perhaps the most painful and tearful result of this is that these children born out of wedlock have never known anyone in their life to love them, so the world appears as a much lonelier and bigger place to them. But they are not alone. Allah I is there and will provide for their justice and rights that are listed under His Divine Law, as He I cares for everything from the greatest to the smallest creation. He I also has mercy on those who have been victimised, and the children who came from this environment most certainly have been. 

    We can see from the example mentioned, that the Shari`a is tremendously precise. On the other hand, the punishment of adultery can only be implemented if there are four witnesses that unanimously agree that they have seen the incident. Obviously, if four people see the incident in its details, it means there was a show going on, which is difficult to prove most of the time. But the threat of being stoned to death acts as a deterrent and shakes the mind of those who plan adultery. For example, the offending body part of the professional thief, the hand is amputated and taken away so it will not harm society again. With the adulterer/adulteress, it is the whole person, as this was the offending factor. Everything from their envying eyes, to the private parts all the way to the hands and the feet played an offending role. Thus all of it must go. Islam also gives women and men the equal right to divorce if either the woman or man is not competent, e.g. physically for the other partner. This is unlike other false religions, where if the people are not compatible, they are stuck together. Another reason is that if people learn that there is an adulterous person, they may become tempted to seek that person out, since the adulterous person is loose and willing to cohabit with anyone and the Shaitan will use him or her as a banner for sin and temptation. The Shari`a answers these whims and temptations in the most merciful and practical manner possible. Allah says in the Quran -

    Do they then seek the judgement of (the Days of) Ignorance? And who is better in judgement than Allâh for a people who have firm Faith.  - Sura Mayeda : 50                   

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