كتاب مجموع الفتاوى، الجزء 27، صفحة 144
وهذا أصل يجب أن يعرف فإن البلد قد تحمد أو تذم فى بعض الأوقات لحال أهله ثم يتغير حال أهله فيتغير الحكم فيهم إذا المدح والذم والثواب والعقاب إنما يترتب على الإيمان والعمل الصالح أو على ضد ذلك من الكفر والفسوق والعصيان
Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, rahimahullah said in Majmoo’ il-Fataawah Vol 27 Pg144
“The ruling concerning the status of domains changes in accordance with the changes in the conditions of it’s inhabitants. A domain may be the domain of disbelief[dar ul-kufr] when it’s inhabitants are the people of disbelief. It then becomes the domain of Islam[dar ul-Islaam] when it’s people become Muslims, just as Makkah may Allah ennoble it, was at first the domain of disbelief and war[dar ul-harb], and Allah the Most High said concerning it, “And how many cities stronger than yours, which has expelled you..” Surah Muhammed:13. Then after the conquest of Makkah by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi was salama, it became the domain of Islaam. And it is, in and of itself, “the Mother of all Cities” and the most beloved place on the Earth to Allah, just like the Sactified[Holy] Land wherein the giant people resided as Allah the Most High has mentioned about them, “And when Moosa said to his people, “Oh my people, remember Allah’s favours upon you when he places among you Prophets and made your Kings, and He gave to you that which He had not given to any other nations. Oh my people, enter into the land the Sanctified Land that Allah has decreed for you and do not turn away on your backs, then you will be the losers!”, they replied, “Oh Moosa, they are a giant people therein, and we will not enter until they have left. When they leave, we will enter.” Surah al-Maa’idah:20-22.
And the verses when Allah the Most High saved Moosa and his people from drowning in the sea He the Most High said, “I will cause you to see the domain of the rebellious[dar ul-faasiqeen].” Surah al-A’raaf:145. These were [named as] the domains of the rebellious at the time when the rebellious inhabitated them. Then, when the righteous people inhabited them they became the domains of the righteous[dar us-saaliheen].
This is a fundamental principle which it is obligatory to have knowledge of: just as the condition of it’s inhabitants change, so does the ruling concerning it. Verily praise and blame, reward and punishment are consequences of al-Eemaan [faith] and righteous actions, or consequences of disbelief, rebellion and disobedience.”
End translation.
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